Voyage Blog: Friday 22 November 2019

Hey. My position right now 19 49S.    77 01E.      1130nm to Le Caudan, Port Louis, Mauritius.  ETA Sunday.  


Sea mild here.  Wind 12/15kts east.  Course 277 magnetic. B&G reckons compass deviation 13W.   Garmin who also own Navionics 16 W


Mild day per usual.  Hot middle of day but ok 3-30pm onwards.  It’s now 3-30pm.


The mainsail is somewhere to the west of me. (I’m going that way) so the sun also in the west is locked out by the mainsail. (That was meant to read “blocked).


Did only 115nm made good noon to noon.  Wind mild and too square last night.


Barometer 1015.    1016 y’day.  Hurricane season now.  Usually more north early and bit too cool anyway.


Water sampling going OK no problems.


Lots of weeny flying fish land on deck at night.  Must be weeny flying fish time of year.   Very few birds.  Typical of tropical wide oceans.  But near land different.  As Christopher Columbus found.   Southern Oceans different.  Lots of birds all time.


So I suppose I better make a coffee.  Boiled powdered milk into Nescafé and two weeny sweeteners.


Tonight I will put can of Campbell’s Stock Pot and small can of peas & half tin of pineapple pieces into saucepan with Clive of India (China or wherever) Curry powder and boil rice seperate.


Don’t forget at Le Caudan facing harbour Customs Immigration far right.  Should see yacht there. Or yacht wharf far left might not be able to see yacht there.


It’s now 10 past 4.   6pm where you are.  This time tomorrow that will be 10 past3 for me and 7pm for you.  (75degree longitude). 75 x 4. =. 300.  =. Gmt + 5 hours. 


Busy Air Mauritius plane Sunday. Morgan coming on Sunday to help me sort the AIS tracking.  Last time I flew air Mauritius going other way one could stand at the very back with other guys, drink free beer and smoke everyone else’s cigarettes. 



