Voyage Blog: Saturday, 16 November 2019

12 knot easterly.  That all night and yesterday too, & the day before sort of. Steady progress.  No load on gear, 1 reef always, and flattened (by furler) jib.

Clock now GMT +6hrs.  Perth 8 hrs.

Wind increased to 14/17 knots east.  Does that.  Probably go to 10kts before 12kts usual.

Self-steerer working with new parts as good as ever.  Very good. Went off course yesterday.  Had broken (12 years fatigue) attachment for blocks on combing. So made new Dyneema attachment.  With a seperate Dyneema attachment I could change to in a couple of minutes. I will now make a new quick settings using Dyneema so I can quickly attach tiller (wind vane) steering.  But I need some of those small blocks – will buy in Mauritius.

Meantime Simrad tiller pilots work a treat.  Better than ever.  My theory I suspect correct – the factory settings (default) are extremely suitable for my yacht. Important thing is not to experiment (as I have done) with other settings (save power, rate etc) i.e. leave them alone. What one has, is good. Everything is going well.  By everybody.”

Boat and me going both VV good. The cold, flu or whatever I had has gone. 

Had to remove lots of paper on floor this morning too.

– Chocolate wrappers.